We work on software development outsourcing contracts at multiple levels:
1). BOT (Build-Operate-Model): With our top rate technology teams, we handle the complete engineering of software product development for small to medium size product companies that may have the potential but not the wherewithal to manage engineering teams. We create dedicated engineering teams, augment the teams with the growing needs of the client and at the end of a the contract period transfer the teams to the legal entity of the client. This enables the clients to focus completely on driving product management and the sales and marketing efforts while we take care of the engineering and development efforts.
2). Equity based contracts: For early stage start-ups and small companies that would like to conserve cash, we work with the option of part remuneration by way of equity/stocks of the client. This ensures that we have our skin in the game and an added incemtive to work towards the success of the product/client.
3). Co-Development: In engagements where we find a fit with client and the product roadmap, we work closely with client as a “co-founder” and all our remuneration is tied with the equity/stock issue of the client and in its futu- re realization.